
Issue Title
Vol 46, No 1 (2019) Miocene foraminifera from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina: stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental implications Abstract  PDF  HTML
Carolina Náñez, Norberto Malumián
Vol 46, No 1 (2019) Cenozoic geologic evolution of the lower Colorado River Basin, Northern Patagonia, Argentina Abstract  PDF  HTML
Carina Seitz, María I. Vélez, Gerardo M.E. Perillo
Vol 46, No 1 (2019) Early Ordovician conodonts from the Santa Rosita Formation at Pantipampa, Iruya area, northwestern Argentina Abstract  PDF  HTML
Josefina Carlorosi, Susana B. Esteban, M. Franco Tortello
Vol 47, No 1 (2020) First Middle Ordovician conodont record related to key graptolites from the western Puna, Argentina: perspectives for an integrated biostratigraphy and correlation of the Central Andean Basin Abstract  PDF  HTML
Blanca A. Toro, Susana E. Heredia, Nexxys C. Herrera Sánchez, Florencia Moreno
Vol 47, No 2 (2020) Paleoclimatic inferences for the late Miocene of the Angastaco Basin based on the foliar physiognomic analysis: Palo Pintado Formation, Salta, Argentina Abstract  PDF  HTML
Juan M. Robledo, Maricel Y. Horn, Claudia I. Galli, Luisa M. Anzótegui
Vol 47, No 2 (2020) Pedogenic and subaerial exposure microfabrics in a late Carboniferous-early Permian carbonate-volcanic lacustrine-palustrine system (San Ignacio Formation, Frontal Cordillera, Argentina) Abstract  PDF  HTML
Isabel Méndez-Bedia, Gloria Gallastegui, Pedro Busquets, Silvia N. Césari, Carlos O. Limarino, Eva Prats, Raúl Cardó, Ferrán Colombo
Vol 50, No 2 (2023) New insights on the Silurian graptolite biostratigraphy of the La Chilca Formation, Poblete Norte section, Central Precordillera of San Juan, Argentina: faunal replacement and paleoenvironmental implications Abstract  PDF  HTML
Fernando Enrique Lopez, Cintia Kaufmann
Vol 51, No 2 (2024) The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone: a review on the legacy of the latest volcanic eruptions Abstract  PDF  HTML
Jorge E. Romero, Francisca Vergara-Pinto, Pablo Forte, J. Tomás Ovalle, Florencia Sánchez
Vol 49, No 1 (2022) New fossiliferous sites and late cenozoic paleoenvironmental evolution of southwestern Córdoba, Argentina. Abstract  PDF  HTML
Adan Alejo Tauber, Federico Álvarez, Gastón Martínez, Augusto Haro, Jerónimo Krapovickas, Gastón Nieto
Vol 44, No 1 (2017) Bone microstructure and diagenesis of saurischian dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous (Neuquén Group), Argentina Abstract  PDF  HTML
Elena Previtera
Vol 47, No 1 (2020) The southernmost record of the Aseptella-Tuberculatella/Rhipidomella-Micraphelia Fauna (late Serpukhovian-Bashkirian) in the Calingasta-Uspallata basin, Argentina Abstract  PDF  HTML
Andrea F. Sterren, Gabriela A. Cisterna, Óscar López-Gamundí, María M. Vergel
Vol 49, No 2 (2022) Pliocene-Pleistocene ash-fall tuff deposits in the intermountain Humahuaca and Casa Grande basins, northwestern Argentina: tracers in chronostratigraphic reconstructions and key to identify their volcanic sources Abstract  PDF  HTML
Beatriz Coira, Claudia I. Galli, Suzanne Mahlburg Kay, Daniel F. Stockli, Patrocinio Flores, Emilio Eveling
Vol 48, No 1 (2021) Quaternary glaciolacustrine deposits around a Triple Junction site: Paleolakes at the foot of the Northern Patagonian Ice field (Argentina and Chile) Abstract  PDF  HTML
Federico Ignacio Isla, Marcela Espinosa
Vol 51, No 3 (2024) K-Ar geochronology of the western half of Tupungato volcano: the 1984 Hildreth-Drake-Fierstein expedition Abstract  PDF  HTML
Estanislao Godoy, Daniel Bertin, Jorge E. Romero, Álvaro Amigo, Sergio Orts
Vol 47, No 2 (2020) New records of Lagostomus Brookes (Rodentia, Chinchillidae) in the late Miocene of Argentina and its biostratigraphic importance Abstract  PDF  HTML
Luciano Luis Rasia, Ricardo A. Bonini, Adriana M. Candela
Vol 50, No 2 (2023) Freshwater bivalves and their environmental conditions in a Jurassic lacustrine system (Cañadón Asfalto Formation) from Patagonia, Argentina Abstract  PDF  HTML
Mateo D. Monferran, Nora G. Cabaleri, Claudia Armella, Sergio A. Martínez, Oscar F. Gallego, Iracema A. Zacarías, Hugo G. Barrios Calathaki
Vol 46, No 2 (2019) Taphonomic analysis of saurischian dinosaurs from the Plottier Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Mendoza, Argentina Abstract  PDF  HTML
Elena Previtera
Vol 50, No 3 (2023) Taphonomic analysis of Spinicaudata from two Triassic lacustrine systems affected by different volcanic processes Abstract  PDF  HTML
Evelyn Luz Bustos-Escalona, Adriana Cecilia Mancuso, Cecilia Andrea Benavente, Andrea Beatriz Arcucci
Vol 44, No 1 (2017) Wet precipitation in northern Argentina: chemical characterization of soluble components in the Lerma Valley, Salta. Abstract  PDF  HTML
María Romero Orué, Diego Gaiero, Marta Paris, Stella Fórmica, Jesica Murray, Mauro de la Hoz, Emilce López, Alicia Kirschbaum
Vol 46, No 3 (2019) Carboniferous deposits of northern Sierra de Tecka, central-western Patagonia, Argentina: paleontology, biostratigraphy and correlations Abstract  PDF  HTML
Arturo Cesar Taboada, María Alejandra Pagani, María Karina Pinilla, Franco Tortello, César Augusto Taboada
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