• This journal publishes original and review articles on geology and related sciences, in Spanish or English, in three issues a year, starting in 2012 (January, May and September).
• Articles on major topics of broad interest in Earth Sciences dealing with the geology of South and Central America and Antarctica, and particularly of the Andes, are welcomed. Geological notes and Book Reviews are also considered for publication.
For a review or research type article:
• Abstract of maximum 300 words
• Text of maximum 10,000 words (including references)
• Maximum 6 figures
• Maximum 3 tables
For a geological/paleontological note type article:
• Abstract of maximum 300 words
• Text of maximum 5,000 words (including references)
• Maximum 4 figures
• Maximum 2 tables
(Reference numbers, in case your article has more items, please consult directly with the journal).
• The journal is interested in publishing thematic sets of papers. These will undergo the normal editing process.
• Andean Geology accepts articles dealing with systematic Paleontology only if their main focus is the chronostratigraphical, paleoecological and/or paleogeographical importance of the taxa described therein. Descriptions of new species or genera and, only if necessary, complementary descriptions of already known species are acceptable. The already known species mentioned in the article can also be illustrated.
• The authors must submit their manuscript, including the illustrations, in letter format, double spaced.
• Authors should include, at least, one e-mail addresses and one telephone numbers to be contacted.
• Authors are requested to include a cover letter with the submitted paper considering the following aspects:
• The main working hypothesis that has been developed.
• What aspects the paper is innovative in and of current and significant interest to a wide public audience.
• Suggested and/or unsuggested reviewers.
• A list of articles on related areas that any of the authors have published in the last year or that are accepted or in press in another journal.
• Editor's contact information:
Andean Geology,
Casilla 10465, Santiago, Chile.
Phone Nr. (56 2) 4825500
• Any paper submitted for publication in Andean Geology cannot be sent to other journals for similar purposes.
• The maximum extension of papers currently accepted by the journal is 40 printed pages.
• Every paper is evaluated by two or more referees. The observations made by the referees will be sent to the author for the correction of the paper. The Editor will notify the author whether the paper has been approved for its publication.
• Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will immediately be uploaded to the Forthcoming Articles section of this website, in PDF format. When the final version is ready, the version of the text presented in Forthcoming Articles will be removed and the final version will appear in the electronic publication of the number.
• As for the cover, preferably, the best and most suitable color photographs of articles included in each issue will be selected. It is advisable to send photographs with vertical orientation, considering in addition, that the top third part of the cover bears the identification of the journal.
Organization of the papers
Title. The titles should not be longer than eight words (regardless of articles and prepositions). If a bigger length is required, it is advisable to divide the title into a main title and a subtitle. Authors should also supply the translation of the title into Spanish.
Abstract. The articles shall have a brief and informative summary, in one single paragraph, with a maximum of 200 words (brief articles) and 350 words (long articles). It should include the content and the conclusions of the paper, and omit references, criticisms, illustrations and diagrams. Its presentation should be restricted to effective information and to the results in the way of a synthesis. A copy of the summary should be sent in Spanish and every version of the abstract must include a listing of keywords.
Text. The article should start with the main contribution, the objective and information of previous works. Only conclusions based on data should be included, and presented in a concise way. The difference between data and interpretations must be clearly defined. The methodology and the laboratory technique descriptions that differ from those commonly used should be briefly explained, preferably as an appendix to the article.
The text should be divided into title categories ranging from first to fifth, as a maximum, and these will be indicated by the author in each case, with the corresponding roman numeral.
Abbreviations are not accepted in the text, figures or references.
Figures (drawings, diagrams, photographs) and Tables. The smaller, simpler and more compact the figure, the easier for the reader. Always use a graphic scale and, if it is possible, fine lines in the drawings; these must keep the proportions between the width and the length to facilitate their reduction, if necessary.
Figures and photographs should send in electronic JPEG formats, with over 300 dpi.
The hydrological toponymics in figures must be written in italics (name of rivers, gorges, streams, lakes, salars, seas, e.g., Maule River).
Tables. Tables must send in Excel or Word file. Give a brief title to the heading and send the tables on separate sheets, checking first, the total sum of columns.
Paleontological data. The repository of fossils mentioned in the articles must be stated (museum or other institution). In addition, illustrated specimens shall be identified with their corresponding catalog number.
Special letter styles. Expressions, such as paleontological ones and latin words among others, should be in italics in the text, and those requiring special highlighting, will be marked on the margin, indicating at the same time, the type of letter or character to be used. If mathematical symbols, Greek letters or words from another language are used, write their names on the text margin. The position of indexes and subindexes must be clearly stated.
Footnotes. These should be substituted, if possible, for information included in the text. If they are essential, mark them with a symbol. Unpublished reports should go as footnotes in the text.
Appendixes. They must have a title. The appendixes are to be placed at the end of the text, after the References.
Acknowledgements. They go after the main text. The people mentioned will be individualized by the institutions to which they belong, and/or professions. The names of laboratories and institutions shall bear, if necessary, the corresponding acronyms in parenthesis. The country should be indicated as well, unless inferred from the names themselves.
References. The references within the text shall be made indicating only the author's last name (or the authors', if there is more than one), the year and the page, if necessary. If an author has more than one publication in the same year, those will be differentiated by a letter (a, b, etc.) after the year. If the authors are more than two, the phrase et al. will be added to the name of the first one mentioned.
a. Serials: Last name and initial of the first name of the authors, year, complete title of article, complete name of the serial, volume, number and pages:
Montes, A.S.L.; Gravenor, C.P.; Montes, L.M. 1985. Glacial sedimentation in the late Precambian Badedouro Formation, Bahia, Brazil. Sedimentary Geology 44 (3-4): 349-358.
b. Books: the last name and initial of the first name of authors, year, complete title, editorial or printing house, number of pages and city where the book was printed.
Fyfe, W.S.; Price, N.J.; Thomson, A.B. 1978. Fluids in the Earth's crust. Elsevier Publishing Co.: 383 p. Amsterdam.
c. Chapters in books: Last name and the initial of all the authors' first names, year, title of work or chapter, In and title of book, editorial or printing house, editor, page, city or country where the book was printed.
Mitchell, A.H. G.; Beckinsale, R.D.1982. Mineral deposits associated with calcalkaline rocks. In Andesites (Thorpe, R.S.; editor). John Wiley and Sons: 677-695. London.
d. Congresses, seminars, symposia, proceedings: The last name and initial of all the authors' first name, year, title of work, In Congress No. and year (if different from year of publication) of the event, Proceedings (Abstracts, etc.), Vol., p. No., city and/or country.
Alfaro, G. 1985. Sphalerite as geobarometer; Preliminary records of the polymetal sulfides in the South of Chile. In Congreso Geológico Chileno, No. 4, Actas 2: 1-15. Antofagasta.
e. Publications in press:
Pankhurst, R.J.; Hervé, F.; Rojas, L.; Cembrano, J. In press. Magmatism and tectonics in continental Chiloé, Chile (42°-42°30'S). Tectonophysics.
f. Degree and Ph.D. Thesis:
Fuenzalida, J.L. 1979. Estudio geológico preliminar de Península Huequi, X Región. Memoria de Título (Unpublished), Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Geología: 158 p.
Skarmeta, J. 1983. The structural geology of the Sierra Moreno, northern Chile. Ph.D. Thesis (Unpublished), University of London: 299 p.
Suggestions. Avoid referring to unpublished reports and, when absolutely mandatory, quote them only within the text, in a footnote below and not in the References. Works in progress shouldn't be quoted. In order to include data or opinions not yet published, it is advisable to use written or personal communication, author and year.