
Issue Title
Vol 47, No 1 (2020) Wet-meadows in the Comechingones Range, Pampean Ranges, Argentina. Geological-geomorphological characterization and paleoenvironmental reconstruction during the Holocene Abstract  PDF  HTML
M. Jimena Andreazzini, Susana B. Degiovanni, Aldo R. Prieto, Alfonsina Tripaldi, M. Elisa Luque
Vol 46, No 2 (2019) Long-lived crustal damage zones associated with fault intersections in the high Andes of Central Chile Abstract  PDF  HTML
José Meulen Piquer Romo, Gonzalo Yáñez, Orlando Rivera, David Cooke
Vol 51, No 2 (2024) Intertwining volcanoes and society in Chile through arts and interdisciplinary connections Abstract  PDF  HTML
Valentina Acuña, Matías Clunes, Sebastián Riffo Valdebenito, John Browning
Vol 49, No 3 (2022) Fossil vertebrates of the early-middle Miocene Cerro Boleadoras Formation, northwestern Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina Abstract  PDF  HTML
Sergio F. Vizcaino, M. Susana Bargo, M. Encarnación Pérez, Inés Aramendía, José I. Cuitiño, Eduardo S. Monsalvo, Evangelos Vlachos, Jorge I. Noriega, Richard F. Kay
Vol 49, No 2 (2022) Reserves, resources and lithium exploration in the salt flats of northern Chile Abstract  PDF  HTML
José Cabello
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